There really needs to rain in Sweden now it is proper to dry. When you play kubb as it is called, so it is difficult to discern where the blocks are when the grass is in almost the same color.
I ate big good chips yesterday with the truffles in. Have never tasted such before. Will definitely be buying several bags of them. Think it is good to end the day with chips Hihi 😛 Have you tried them ?
Now it is time to eat lunch here. It’s going to be big plenty for I’m hungry.
Take Care Of Each Other
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl
2 kommentarer
I completely agree. For image rhetoric, the following captions are used: icon, index and symbol. Where the index is mean ”a direct, close relationship with the object”. Images that have indexes are often exciting because they encourage you to investigate more: Shadows are an index I think.
Ja så torrt som det är nu här hemma så är ”kubben” definitivt välkamouflerad i det torra och bruna gräset.. Mums, lät gott med chipsen, måste testas 🙂