Popcorn Is Broken :)

16-11-12-19-23-24-528_deco.jpg  Have a pretty quiet evening here and preparing me for the week. I’m still a bit worn out after I had been sick so it is a good idea to be extra afraid. But it is a little difficult to be still for me so it feels good to be better.

I would cuddle it and eat popcorn with dip but it’s difficult when most of the popcorn is broken. So I have to find something else. You can only guess how many broken it is 🙂   hihihihi 🙂 …


Think it has been good for me to blog at Finest.se, and I’m super happy that I dared to start blogging in English. Many  people wanted me to do it for a long time but I had to feel for it In my heart.

Here I will blog about my musical journey the most but also on other everyday events. There will be periods of time when I blog more and periods when I will be completely inside of my music making. Then you will of course hear everything anyway 🙂 ….I blog quite much so you will probably not notice much of a difference. But I notice big differences when I am running and when I’m not running it can distinguish between many posts 🙂 ..

You may have it so good, my Fine Listeners and readers. Many Hugs from MinikeGirl 🙂 …

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